Tuesday, October 16, 2018

October 16, 2018 – More Autumn Small Creek Sneaking – Valley Creek

A decent sized one, getting all colored up for the fall.

I took a short drive this morning to the upper reaches of Valley Creek, just to get out for a couple hours on a crisp, autumn day before I have to work this evening.  It was breezy and cool, with plenty of leaves in the water following yesterday’ showers, but it was pretty low and clear, too, normal for this time of year, especially nearer the headwaters.  With some muddy run-off still coming in, there was a slight stain, however, so I was able to creep around and toss a couple small nymphs on a short line.  The mostly small fish cooperated, so I had no shortage of action.  It was good to see so many young of the year from last winter/spring, but I saw no spawning fish yet in the likely spots.

Guess where the fish like to hide?

The muddy banks revealed human and deer visitors in recent days, but I only hopscotched around one other fly fisherman, and even he was as surprised to see me as I him.  I only passed him once at a prime spot when I took a longer walk to give us space.  I got a couple from the hole he was fishing on my way back, so that is always a bonus.  The fish were in the riffles or very tight to cover in flatter water.  Deadfalls are always good on spring creeks, almost any creeks, and Valley is no exception.  They do require some kneeling, and ducking, and a lot of bow and arrow casts, however.

Pretty male was right in the wood...

I landed at least a dozen fish, but 5 of those were 4 inches or under.  A couple were pushing 7 inches, and a couple were over 8 inches, but no bonus piggies in these conditions, even sending flies deep into the woods.  The hot fly was the same fly I had on from late last week, a jigged euro-nymph that looks part scud and part caddis.  I also got a few on a size 18 electric caddis (just a bright green larva, really, nothing too lavish). 

Perhaps the winner for looks today?

The fish are beautiful here even without the imminent spawning season, but a few were exceptionally gorgeous today.  I took a few photos of the fish, the creek, and the surrounding environs as I worked my way back upstream.  When I stopped catching fish, I figured I had reached the places where the other guy had had some success, so I put the flies on the hook keeper and walked back to my parking spot, spooking some deer along the way.  After doing a drive-by of another spot that I often visit in the winter and early spring and seeing a couple cars in the pull-offs, I headed for home to rest up for class and get a real meal.  I am hoping for a trip that is a little longer, with fish a little bigger, tomorrow, but this was an enjoyable couple of hours close to home.

Sure are cute, though.


  1. They might be small, but pretty for sure. Looks like a challenging day.

    Was at the lake with a buddy, got 6, no dinks, but no lunkers either. The wind really tired these two old guys out though.

    Looking forward to your next post.



  2. I swear I recognize that log jam.............

    1. It's been there a while! I think it has grown since I was there last winter.

  3. Fishing is always challenging as you catch a big fish or small. But it's always a thriller to catch a fish. That's why I love fishing. Happy fishing buddy. And of course take care of yourself too.
