Thursday, November 14, 2019

November, 14, 2019 - Rest in Peace Joey

I lost my first (well, second after Wardman) fishing partner on November 14, 2019.  He was also my dad.  He was only 72, so he had a lot of fishing days left in him, but he went the way he wanted to go, suddenly at home, not after any prolonged illness or suffering.  I guess the euro-nymphing master class will have to wait, but I am glad I got the fly rod in his hand this year.  I will slay many a stockie in his honor next spring.  Hell, I may even soak a chunk this fall.


  1. So sorry for your loss. May he fish in peace in plentiful waters above.

  2. I'm terribly sorry for the loss of your father. It'll be going on 12 years that I lost mine suddenly at 58 and I miss him everyday.

    Take care.

    1. Thank you, I appreciate that. He is not someone I will likely forget either.

  3. Good Man Joey was, I appreciated the time I got to spend with him and uh, teach him to fish :-). I'll miss him, one last hey wardman or trip to the wissy. Fitting we were near Alvethorpe today where it all started. Peace Joey, fish hard and figure out where we can meet up in paradise. Miss ya!
