Thursday, June 24, 2021

June 23 and 24, 2021 - A Few Hours of Social Fishing from the Sand – Ocean County, NJ

Fishing lessons and social visits, but a couple shorties messed with.

I went to the beach and visited with my mom and my sister’s family during their vacation.  Besides seeing my 3-year-old niece play in the ocean, I also planned to give my brother-in-law Uncle Ben a promised crash course in fishing 101.  He and my sister lived in Denver for a decade or more, but he only fly fished a couple times out there.  He has recently expressed more interest in fishing, and he inherited a rod from Joe’s shed during the big liquidation this spring, so it was time to get out.  I had work stuff going on, but I got down about 2 PM on Wednesday and left probably 24 hours later.  We had a casting lesson on the surf on Wednesday night after dinner and a visit to the bait shop for some bucktails and Gulp in case he wanted to get out on his own after I left.  We ran out of daylight quickly and snagged a lot of post-Claudette grass—which hung around on Thursday morning too, unfortunately.

Pretty morning and some mitches

Dolf was also on the island having a family get-away.  I was urging him since last week to get a boat lined up for Wednesday, but I guess he only had one car, a wife, and two teenage girls, so all he could commit to was a couple hours this morning.  Ben and I picked him him up outside his hotel for a little Barnegat Bay walk.  The water was dirty and pretty weedy, and the tide was coming in cold.  I like to fish this spot on the outgoing because it’s warmer and because the structure is more reachable with light tackle, but I landed two shorts and Ben lost one.  Dolf just looked pretty.  It was good to have another dude coaching Ben, though, and it was just good to see a mitch anyway.  We have not fished together since the fall striper run concluded.  I did not know it was Dolf’s check-out day, so we literally fished 90 minutes with a 30-minute hike in there, so 2 hours on the sand tops.  It was a beauty morning, and the entire thing was a social trip, so it was all good.  I will be back down a couple times in July, I am sure.  I am due to fish with Dolf and his brother-in-law Jeff, aka my boy Sandy Dunkin, and maybe Jeff and I together will convince Dolf to leave dry land.  Weather permitting, I also have a July small charter trip with the Wardman, so July posts might be fluky or weakie.


  1. Fluke in the suds is still a great way to fish! Dolf - pansy!

    1. Totally! He got in the car, said check-out was at 12, then after changing rigs 12 times, says he has to go back to have breakfast with them by 9:30! True mitch! Think he's afraid to touch Gulp too ;)

  2. In response to your rhetorical old man question, I say no, but the stones see it from where you're standing:) We had wind and grass several evenings on our half hearted attempts in OBX. Things settled down Friday evening and then we has some wierd jellyfish thing that was all over our line and we couldn't shake it off or reel in the lines. Never saw anything like it, and 2 other guys said the same. Oh well the kids had a great time on the beech! Nice to see a fluke for a change!

    1. Oh, well... Vacation is still nice, and glad the kids had fun! I heard nothing from Eric (even with all your tutelage) after Wednesday, so more of the same for him I guess. They landed some sea mullet the first couple of days. The grass was not unfishably terrible in Jersey, but I noticed just how dirty the water was when I crossed the causeway on the way home. Rainwater, too, maybe. Will try again next week with my boy Sandy ;)
