Wednesday, September 6, 2017

September 6, 2017 - A Quick One in between the Rains – Valley Creek

The best of the afternoon took an Air Lock indicator before settling on a purple pt.

The forecast today called for a 100 percent chance of heavy rain, but at 1 PM after working at home for a few hours, I noticed it had done little more than drizzle.  Apparently, some showers did hit overnight, because the gage at Valley showed a short blip.  I took a chance that the creek would still be stained, and I put on a rain jacket hoping it would color up more once the forecasted rain got started.  Yes, I left the house hoping to get rained on!

Plenty of visibility still, but better than gin clear.

The water in the park was pretty low (normal) when I arrived, though a bit off-color, but the rains never arrived to help advance my cause.  I fished about 90 minutes and managed a handful of fish on a purple pheasant tail on a j-hook.  I also turned a couple other small fish in the riffles in a few spots. 

I had to do a lot of sneaking, and I even popped on a small indicator to make a long cast to a deep flat pool with the added cover of a downed tree.  A better fish came up, popped the indicator and then took the anchor fly.  Go figure: My best fish of the afternoon was a novelty catch.  I also caught one swinging the soft hackle under some hairy structure—lost a couple flies that way too, of course.  The fish was also a better fish, though, and this time I actually caught him without any fun and games, so maybe he was worth a few bucks in tungsten???

I was supposed to get the boy at the bus stop by 4:15 PM, so I quickly ran out of time, but I was happy to tangle with a few fish and have the place to myself for a couple hours.  I got a walk in, too, hoofing back in a hurry to beat the traffic home.  Perhaps the heavy rain promised will arrive tonight.  If so, I will be ready again.  I left a lot of the better water for a better day, one with more advantageous conditions.  I have to teach tomorrow evening, but I put in plenty of prep time this evening, so I am sure I can spare a couple hours if the signs look positive on Thursday.

Worth sacrificing a fly or two?  Perhaps.

Not shy about a size 12 nymph.  I expect big things of this guy some day....


  1. Great to see some of those little guys. Last year was for sure a difficult one on the urban limestoners. I talked to an undergrad who interns at the PFBC and he told that Valley Creek was of great concern to the commission because its urban setting makes it too warm during the dry years.

  2. Definitely, Pete. There are sections of Valley that are just loaded with YOY right now, so I hope they make it.

  3. I am planning an all day fishing trip tomorrow. I am still trying to decide whether to head north, south, east, west or around the corner.
