Sunday, March 24, 2019

March 23, 2019 – Mentored My Youth in Minor Disappointment – SEPA waters not yet stocked

Casting then lunch.
It was windy and cold, although we did see another dad pulling a wagon of kids up to the lake just before we were ready to quit, which threw us off a bit, so it wasn’t immediately clear whether the weather or the lack of fish accounted for no other fishermen at Loch Alsh Reservoir.  After the boy gave the spinning rod a dozen casts, ending in the predictable Rapala CD 3 Countdown losing a plastic bill from far too minor contact with, god forbid, the bottom of the lake, we took some time to check the stocking schedule.  Nope.  No Loch Alsh until nearly the day before Opening Day next week, and the Wissahickon on the same late day.  I left it up to him: take a ride to Stony Creek or go have lunch.  He wisely chose lunch but said he wanted to join me on Opening Day at the Wissy down the street.  Sounds like a plan.  I also looked to see if the Brodhead, where we had fun another MY day, would be stocked before April 6, the NEPA day.  Nope.  A good program in theory, but the execution has been scattershot.  My wise-ass son, un-coached—at least this time—said, “It’s more like Mentored Youth Locations if they don’t stock all the creeks for the Mentored Youth Day.”  Wise.  Wiser than his dad who didn't double-check the stocking schedule...  But should I have to in a county that sells so many licenses?


  1. if you want to go to MY day up north. I recommend snow hill dam in Marshalls Creek. I believe that's where I will be taking my 2

    1. Thanks, Brad! If we head up that way, I will send you a message.

  2. Hey, you could of at least taken a nice pic of the lake for Ron! :)


    1. Not much to see. Like Pete mentioned, not a great piece of water by any means!
