Monday, December 23, 2019

December 23, 2019 – Caught Three While She Caught a Birthday Nap – SEPA Freestoner

Today is Tami’s birthday, but I was still able to sneak a short one in this morning.  We have some plans later, but the boy had one last half-day of school to log, and Kenny had a morning appointment—no construction until noon-ish—so the birthday girl wisely wanted a birthday nap to take advantage of the quiet.  With those factors in mind, I just took a short drive to a SEPA freestoner that gets a fall stocking by my local TU chapter.  I had heard the fish were small, and they certainly were ridiculously so, but I was just looking to get out for a couple hours, total driving and fishing, and so this fit the bill.  I also put a new 3 weight line on my reel yesterday, a pricey one that I wanted to cast in the cold.  I landed three rainbows under 9 inches long on a size 18 pheasant tail under a small indicator, and I got a bit of a walk in on a mild early winter day.  The line performed well too, so fishing day 83 of 2019 was a mild success.  I am sure the afternoon festivities, and possibly a trip to Asbury Park tomorrow for the Pinball Museum, will be far more fun, though!

Pretty, cold, but tomorrow could be good with this warm up.

1 comment:

  1. Most fishermen would love to have 83 days in this year. God job.

